Saturday, October 20, 2007

A Real Human Interchange

A few months ago I visiting a MH/SDC (severe to profound) classroom in a special school. This was my first visit to this particular school site. It was a little after 8:00 am and the students had just arrived at school. The staff was in the process of changing the students. Those remaining in the classroom were listening to music. Some were responding to the music with movement and vocalizations.
As I scanned the room, I looked in the direction of a ten year old girl who was severely developmentally disabled. I realized that she had been observing me. She lifted her head up a bit and gave me the biggest smile I had seen in a long time. I smiled back. I felt genuinely happy--my heart leaped at the interchange.

As I pondered this interchange, and my response to it, I was struck by how insignificant any differences were. One heart said, "Hey," and another said, "Hey" back.



Blogger Unknown said...

What a wonderful post. I too have met eye to eye with a severe disabled child who didn't speak much. I bonded with this child and sad when I had to say goodbye to her. What a beautiful smile she had and when we walked around the grounds together every morning, she would mimic my singing and words. I miss that little girl.

5:17 PM  

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