Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sunny Day at the Car Show

Today I went with a group of adults with intellectual disabilities to a local car show. One of the ladies had a birthday today. She turned 33. She was so pleased with the attention. Her mother had baked cupcakes for the group, but had forgotten to give them to us before we left. Our birthday girl was thrilled to be among her friends on an outing.

The highlight of the car show for our birthday girl was seeing three purple cars and one purple blazer. As you might figure out, purple is here favorite color. She usually is wearing something purple, carrying at least one purple handbag, and her nails are frequently painted purple.

After the car show we went to Goody's, a local ice cream company for ice cream for a birthday celebration. Every where we went, people were kind and accommodating. When we took over the ice cream shop the customers behind us were gracious at having to wait for us (there were 14 of us).

When I first moved to Central Oregon, I looked for the same treatment and problems that my intellectually disabled friends faced in Southern California. To be honest I really looked for it, but I rarely saw it. Where I usually saw it was with those who should know better.


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